PFAS measurements
Over the years several DNBC sub-projects have applied and received permission to analyse DNBC samples for contents of PFAS.
All measurements from approx. 6000 individuals are now included in the DNBC database and available for other projects.
Several DNBC projects looking at adverse effects of prenatal exposure to PFAS have been analysing pregnancy plasma samples from DNBC mothers - in combination with DNBC self-reported data, sons' semen quality measurements, register data and also laboratory results from analyses of other DNBC samples.
PFAS-studies in the DNBC |
Selection criteria |
Publication |
For a project on fetal growth and child development 1400 samples from mothers were randomly selected among those who also had answered the 7-year follow-up questionnaire. Two PFAS, PFOS and PFOA, were measured at the 3M Laboratory in 2007. |
Perfluorinated chemicals and fetal growth: a study within the Danish National Birth Cohort Prenatal exposures to perfluorinated chemicals and anthropometry at 7 years of age |
For a case-cohort study on attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism and cerebral palsy, 1196 samples from mothers were selected; 596 cases were selected among mothers of children diagnosed with cerebral palsy, autism or ADHD. (156 cerebral palsy, 220 autism and 220 ADHD cases) and 550 controls frequency-match to the cases by child's sex. In addition, 50 controls were selected among premature infants. Sixteen PFAS were measured at the Aarhus University Laboratory in 2011. |
Prenatal exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances and the risk of congenital cerebral palsy in children |
For a project on neuropsycological functionning, we analysed 1592 samples from mothers who were included with their 5-year old child in the Lifestyle During Pregnancy Study sub-cohort Sixteen PFAS were measured at the Aarhus University Laboratory in 2014. |
For a project on miscarriage, samples from 438 mothers were selected (220 with spontaneous abortion and 218 controls who completed the pregnancy). Sixteen PFAS were measured at the Aarhus University Laboratory in 2016. |
Another approx. 500 samples were analysed from 178 breast cancer cases and 233 controls (nulliparous and frequency matched on age) in a project looking at exposure to perfluorinated compounds and subsequent breast cancer risk. Sixteen PFAS were measured at the Aarhus University Laboratory in 2014. |
Polymorphism in xenobiotic and estrogen metabolizing genes, exposure to perfluorinated compounds and subsequent breast cancer risk: A nested case-control study in the Danish National Birth Cohort. |
For a project on male reproductive function in young adulthood, PFAS* were measured in 870 samples from mothers, whose sons subsequently participated in the FEPOS study. *The following 15 compounds were measured at the Lund University Laboratory for the FEPOS cohort (both mothers and sons): PFHxS, PFOA, PFOS, PFNA, PFDA, PFTrDA, PFBS, PFPeA, PFPeS, PFHxA, PFHpA, PFHpS, PFDS, PFDoDA and PFTrDA. The six first were above the limit of detection in at least 80% of the samples while the latter 9 were above the limit of detection in less than 80% of samples or not discernible at all. |
Maternal Exposure to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Male Reproductive Function in Young Adulthood: Combined Exposure to Seven PFAS |
An ongoing project that examines prenatal PFAS exposure and child risk of epilepsy. Samples from 437 mothers were selected from 218 with a child diagnosed with epilepsy and 219 controls.
Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Maternal Thyroid Hormones in Early Pregnancy; Findings in the Danish National Birth Cohort |